NYPEN Legal Series: Corporation vs. LLC

Invitation Link: http://www.cvent.com/d/fcqmt5/4W

The New York Private Equity Network ("NYPEN") and Kirkland & Ellis LLP are pleased to invite you to the "Corporation vs. LLC -- Governing Documents" class in the NYPEN Legal Series, to be held on Monday, October 17th.

Class Overview
This session will teach PE professionals about the key economic and governance issues embedded in the primary governing document for your portfolio companies, their certificate of incorporation or limited liability company agreement. Beginning with a sample certificate of incorporation for a portfolio company and several sample anti-dilution provisions, this session will cover the terms most relevant for investing professionals and will compare how they differ in a company structured as a corporation versus a LLC.  Representative legal and business issues that will be covered include:

·  Advantages and disadvantages of forming a corporation vs. a limited liability company
·  Power of Preferred Securities
·  Who holds the reigns
·  How to protect against dilution
·  Multiple exit strategies
·  Indemnification for Directors and Officers
·  A high-level overview of tax considerations

Event Details
Date:  Monday, October 17, 2011
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm (followed by cocktails)
Location:  Offices of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, 601 Lexington Avenue (betw. 53rd and 54th Streets)